Derma PGX Cream ingredients


There is nothing more toxic to body cells than sugar. In fact, high sugar intakes cause glycation. Glycation is a process caused by the presence of excess glucose in skin fibers. Glucose overlaps around the collagen and elastic fibers and forms destructive molecules called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). With age, the AGE molecules accumulate in the dermis and end up destroying the “support cushion” of the skin formed by elastin and collagen. Therefore, you need to switch from eating refined carbs and sugary foods to eating vegetables, legumes and whole grains. They are rich in fibers, vitamins and other nutrients and they don’t happen to cause high blood sugar levels.


Lipids are an important part of the skin. They are heavily present in the epidermal layer and play a key role in barrier function and membrane structure. In fact, lipids form a barrier that protects from environmental damage and they also play an important role in skin repair. One of the main causes of skin aging is a decrease in fat content which leads to dryness, inflammation and barrier impairment. Therefore, your diet should be rich in healthy fatty acid such as omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids help balance your sebum production, reduce acne, boost your skin’s resistance to sunburns and protect against dryness, itchiness, and inflammation.


Gut health is strongly related to the overall body health. Studies have shown that an unbalanced gut microbiome is correlated with auto-immune diseases, allergies, cancer and many other health issues. Unbalanced gut microbiome can also cause skin concerns such as eczema, rosacea, acne, and even premature skin-aging. In fact, an altered gut flora increases skin’s Ph level which causes a decrease in ceramides, collagen and elastin synthesis. It is also responsible for inflammation and oxidative stress. Probiotics are live microorganisms that contribute to intestinal microbial balance and confer a health benefit on the host. Probiotics are present in fermented foods such as yogurt, buttermilk, prickles, kimchi, kefir, etc. You can also get probiotics from food supplements. Here are the best probiotic supplements available on the market.


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